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What Happens During a Hypnotherapy Session?


Hypnotherapy has intrigued people for decades, often conjuring images of swinging pendulums, deep trances, and a sense of mystery. But what really happens during a hypnotherapy session? Far from stage performances or mind control tricks, hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique designed to help people tap into their subconscious mind to make positive changes in their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

Here’s a closer look at what happens during a hypnotherapy session, how it works, and what you can expect.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of guided hypnosis where a certified therapist helps you reach a state of focused relaxation. It’s not about losing control or being put under a "spell"—instead, it's a deeply relaxed state of heightened awareness, often compared to daydreaming or zoning out.

In this state, your mind is more open to suggestions and can access memories, beliefs, or thought patterns that are usually buried deep in your subconscious.

The Hypnotherapy Process: What Happens During a Session?

1. Pre-Talk: Setting Intentions

Before the hypnosis begins, I will have a conversation with you about your goals, concerns, and reasons for seeking hypnotherapy. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, phobias, unhealthy habits (like smoking), or self-confidence issues, this initial talk helps set the stage for a tailored session.

I will explain how the process works and address any concerns or misconceptions.

2. Induction: Entering a Relaxed State

Once you're comfortable, I will guide you into a relaxed state of mind through what’s known as an induction. This can involve breathing exercises, visualization, or progressive muscle relaxation.

During this phase, you gradually shift from normal waking consciousness to a state of heightened relaxation, often called a "trance." This trance isn’t like being asleep. Instead, it's a place where your mind feels calm but aware, and you are still in complete control. Think of it like those moments just before you fall asleep, when you're relaxed but still conscious of what's happening around you.

3. Deepening: Reaching the Subconscious

As you become more relaxed, I may use additional techniques to deepen your trance. These might include guided imagery, where you're encouraged to imagine peaceful or positive scenes, or countdown methods where I count slowly to guide you into an even more relaxed state.

This deeper state allows access to the subconscious mind, the part of the brain where long-held beliefs, fears, and patterns reside. At this point, your conscious mind takes a back seat, and you become more receptive to positive suggestions.

4. Therapy and Suggestions

Once you're in this focused state, the real work of hypnotherapy begins. I will start to introduce suggestions designed to address your specific goals. These suggestions could be about overcoming fears, changing habits, or building self-confidence. For example:

  • If you’re working on quitting smoking, I might suggest how much better you’ll feel as a non-smoker, reinforcing positive outcomes like improved health and well-being.

  • If you’re dealing with anxiety, I might suggest calm, peaceful imagery or help you reframe stressful situations in a more positive light.

Because your mind is highly focused, these suggestions can have a more profound impact compared to regular talk therapy. It’s not about "forcing" you to change, but about rewiring negative thought patterns and creating new, positive ones.

5. Awakening: Returning to Normal Consciousness

After the therapeutic part of the session, I will gently guide you back to a normal, waking state. This is usually done slowly and gradually, using techniques like counting upwards or asking you to focus on your breathing.

You will feel refreshed, relaxed, and fully awake afterward, much like after a deep meditation or restful nap.

6. Post-Talk: Reflecting and Processing

After the session, I will take some time to discuss how you felt during the process and what came up during the session. This is an opportunity to reflect on the experience and assess any shifts in your thoughts or emotions. It’s also when I might show you other relaxation exercises or self-hypnosis techniques you can use to reinforce the changes made during the session.

What Does Hypnosis Feel Like?

Many people wonder what it actually feels like to be hypnotized. It's a unique experience for everyone, but most describe it as deeply relaxing, almost like daydreaming. You’re fully aware of your surroundings but feel detached from them, like being engrossed in a book or movie. Your body feels loose and calm, but your mind remains alert and focused.

Do you want to discuss how hypnotherapy and life coaching can help you overcoming your particular issue? Book your FREE 30 minute consultation by clicking on the form below or email



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